Friday, November 26, 2010

22 Nov - Boring day at the library

It was a boring day at the library alone. Sister S joined me after she finished her paper, she's as free as a bird now, so envious. Wanted to have lunch at the Kopitiam but was too crowded, no kind souls willing to share their table with me. Upset! Have to pack my food back to the eating area outside the library. The weather is killing me softly, was hoping to be able to drink the delicious Tom Yam Soup under the nice air-con. But then....

Breakfast - 1 piece of bread with 1/2 piece of cheese

Lunch - Tom yam soup, ate 1/2 of it only, packed the other 1/2 home, nicey

Dinner - Forgotten, ops

Snack - A few pieces of chocolate, =)

Activity - 1 hour of swim, cold weather... brreeee

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