Sunday, December 11, 2011

Used Bicycle at $60 with lock and light

I'm selling off my used bicycle for $60 with lock and light due to the limitation of space. Self collect at Jurong West, contact me at 91389096 if you are keen! :D


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Hoping to inspire others!

Health Promotion Board is looking for success stories from LTW2 participants.

I wrote in and got featured.

Take a look at the report at

In the past, whenever I saw advertisements of people losing a lot of weight, I will feel envious and hope to be able to achieve what these people did. Never would I dream about achieving what I have achieved today, it's unbelieveable, but I did it.

If I can, why not you? Just put in that little bit of effort into balancing your life, you will definitely be the biggest winner of all these.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Only time will heal

Very often, many things happened unexpectedly and it's true that money can solve certain issues at the beginning but still, only time can solve the entire mishap.

For example, a heartbreak due to unresolved relationship, people passing away or even illnesses. We definitely can use money to buy us some short term happiness, but at the end of the day, we still need time to accept and embrace.

I once mentioned to all of you that I felt kind of imbalance during my weight loss journey, I have sorted out those thoughts and time is all I need. :)

I wanna highlight to you to be determined and patient in achieving what you want in life. You only live this life once, live it to the max~ Do anything as long as you are happy!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

My site is UP!

Yahoo~~~ After much planning, my site is finally up! Just a very simple site and still need a bit of tweaking here and there. However, I believe it would be much easier for you to get relevant information straight instead of navigating through my blog entries.

Take a look at it here!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Coming soon~

My website coming out soon, meanwhile, please hold! :)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Planning to take up Fitness instructor course

Anyone has got any good recommendation? The classes with SSC are all $1000 and above, heard from a friend there's a package around $700!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

22 June - testing my first blog entry with my phone

Ha ha, this is going to be my first blog post with my mobile phone, cool~

22nd June - The world is not going to stop rotating...

The world is not going to stop rotating because of your sadness, life still goes on. Go out to the road now and look at the moving cars and constantly moving pedestrians, life still goes on...

If not for the rain, there won't be rainbow, follow your heart and don't think too much, what's going to happen will happen, if something good happens, it's great, if something bad happens, learn from it and move on. Don't waste time thinking so much, use that time to do something more beneficial to yourself or the society~

Cheers~ It's going to be a great day ahead~

Saturday, June 18, 2011

18th June - I can't help it~

I can't help it, sometimes, listening to the woes of others make me feel that I'm much more fortunate than them and this is what keeps me going. I know I'm very bad to think like this, but...

All these makes me feel more contented and treasure life more!

Friday, June 17, 2011

17th June - Great Idea for your weight loss journey~

Saw this from a Chinese article, not sure if it will work, but still, you can try.

Instead of setting a goal of reducing 10kg in 3 months time, why not start from your eating habit. Like reducing the amount of fried food intake, reduce food intake that are rich in sugar content, kick away your supper habit...

As time goes by, you will gradually see weight loss and it just happen because you kick away the bad habit instead of thinking you are on a diet everyday, it's quite a good concept, izzn't it?

If you understand chinese, read this,

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Fruits highest and lowest in pesticide

The Dirty Dozen, in most offending order:

Nectarines (imported)
Grapes (imported)
Sweet bell peppers
Kale/collard greens

Clean15 (lowest in pesticides)

Sweet peas
Cantaloupe (domestic)
Sweet Potatoes

Read for more details~

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

15th June - My thoughts~

Now that I look different, things are really different, like I mentioned before, everyone look/smile/talk to you differently, I still need some time to adapt to these changes.

Having being ignored/mocked at/sneered at for the last 25 years, being popular because that you are the biggest girl in school. People are popular because they are pretty, slim, having a really good figure, and me being popular because I was big, ha ha ha... Nobody would ever know how I feel unless you rode that same route as me. Some people may tell you, it's all over, you have a new life now, but it's certainly easier to be said than to be done, time is all I need now. Getting ready and accepting a new way of treatment, but my heart is still the same, I will not change, for what I have encountered/experience have laid a strong foundation for my character.

Most importantly, health is wealth, and be contented with who you are today, be it that you are fat, tall, slim or short. I mean what do we have got to lose? At the end of the day, we can't bring anything with us... Imagine to be lying in the coffin and asking yourself, have you live your life to the fullest and do you have any regrets~


10th June - Yeah!!! A total lost of 37kg!

Woohoo, congratulation to myself, it has been 1 year, I posted this on my Facebook.

今天是我减肥的一周年,说快不快,说慢不慢,很感激生边的家人和朋友的支持,我终于做到了。在这一年,我学了很多,尝试了很多不同种类的运动,也经历了很多挫折,但,我都克服了那些难关。瘦了,别人对你的眼光于态度都变了,可是我还是我,独特的我,我的心还是一样,很满足现在的我,健康就是财富。很开心旅程到了终点,也很感伤旅程结束了。But, I believe a new journey awaits me, 加油吧,娟。

I teared today, very thankful for the wonderful experience, it's time to move on. Went to the gynae today, wow phiang oei, it's a male doctor, dot. Moreover, about the same age as me, understand that it's a modern society now, but sometimes, it just feel kinda awkward.

By the way, everything should be fine.

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread + 1 cup of holick

Lunch - 1 bowl of 小碗面

Dinner - 1 ice cream cone

Going to prepare something big tomorrow for my sisters, getting ready...

So, what's the next step? I am planning to build a website offering weight management services and might be selling some stuffs... I won't be updating this blog on a daily basis as I felt that all of you more or less should have a grasp of my diet, but still, I will be posting my food once a week.

Don't worry, I will not be abandoning my blog, just won't be updating it so frequently, things are a bit tight on my side, can't commit daily updates anymore, thanks for all your understanding, do email me if you have any questions regarding weight loss, I would be delighted to answer all your questions~ :D

I may not have hit my 40kg target but I'm contented with what I am and what I have now...

There's nothing I can't achieve now, I am all ready to fight for my life!

Quote of the day - "You will never "find" time for anything. If you want time, you must make it."

Let's move on~

9th June - Just 1 more day~ Happy birthday, my dear friend~ :D

Just 1 more day to my 1 year weight loss anniversary, kinda emotional~

Breakfast - 300ml of soya bean milk + 1/2 pcs of bread with kaya & butter + 1/3 bowl of sunflower seed with raisins + 1 pcs of biscuit + 1 pcs of rittersports + 1 kisses

Lunch - 1/2 bowl of rice with dishes & soup + 3 pcs of dark chocolate + 1 pcs of chocolate + 2 pcs of kisses

Dinner - 1 bowl of vegetable + 1/4 bee hoon kueh + 1 holick + 1 fish cake

Activity - 1 hour of aerobics

Thursday, June 9, 2011

8th June - Happy birthday, Sis Lian~

Happy birthday to you my beloved sister, thanks for being my sister, I love you~ :D

Breakfast - 150ml of milk + 10 pcs of candy biscuit + 1 holick + 1 pcs of bread + 2 pcs of soda biscuit + 2 pcs of kisses + 1 cube of ritter sports

Lunch - 1/2 bowl of rice with dishes

Dinner - 1/2 zinger burger + 15 cheese fries + 1/3 bowl of rice with chicken + 2 tanyuan + 1 small bowl of kuey tiao soup + 1/2 chewy junior + 1 chocolate ice cream cone

Activity - 1 hour of aerobics

7th June - Accompanied a friend~

Very thankful that she's fine... phew...

Breakfast - 1 holick + 1 pcs of bread with kaya & butter + 1 sweet

Lunch - 1 yong tau hu + 2 pcs of cracker + 1 apple

Dinner - 1 po pian + 1 kueh + 1 soya bean milk + 1 holick + 10 pcs of candy biscuit + 5 pcs of cracker + 1 pcs of soda biscuit

Activity - Rest

6th June - Praying session

Praying session to the ancestors... Renovating at neighbour place, kind of noisy... >.<

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread + 1 holick + 1/3 bowl of sunflower seed with raisins + 2 pcs of kisses

Lunch - 1 bowl of noodles + 1 bowl of soup + 1/2 bowl of rice with dishes

Dinner = 1/2 bowl of noodles with dishes + 1/2 dumpling + 1 holick + 2 pcs of biscuit

Activity - 1 hour of aerobics

Monday, June 6, 2011

5th June - Sunday, lazy day - Bao ba zhang!

I just don't feel like moving, don't feel like doing anything, don't feel like...

Anyway, today gotta Bao ba zhang because tml is dumpling festive, time flies, the time of the year is here again. A very enjoyable day wrapping the dumplings, talking to family members and such... Love family bonding time, just so special...

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread + 1 cup of Holick + 1/3 bowl of sunflower seed with raisins + 2 pcs of kisses + 1 pcs of biscuit

Lunch - 1 bowl of rice with vegetable

Dinner - 1 and 1/2 dumpling + 1 cup of holick + 2 pcs of biscuit

The dumplings are super nice lor... wow sei... Home made dumplings are always the best...

I took the initiative and tried my best, the rest, we can only leave it to fate~ No regrets in life! :D

Will load the photos soon, changed my phone to iphone lor and no bluetooth function, zzz~

Activity - 1 hour of swim

4th June - Attended a friend church wedding

Woohoo, it's Saturday, but still, going to be flying around again today...

Attended a friend wedding at Bukit Batok, so sweet... How good would it be to find someone who loves you the way you love him... I'm still waiting for mine... hee :D

Met up with a few friends in the evening to celebrate the girls birthday, feeling very fortunate to have them by my side all these years, appreciate it a lot... They are just like angels... Don't fly too high up into the sky hor! :P

Breakfast - 1/2 pcs of bread +1 cup of holick + 1/3 bowl of sunflower seed with raisins + 2 pcs of biscuit

Lunch - I took 2 rounds of catered buffet style food + 1 cup of hot chocolate latte

Dinner - 1 bowl of noodles + 1 bottle of Hoe Garden

Went to one of the night hangouts at One Fullerton... What to say, only one word, superficial... Girls wearing fake lashes, super sexy low cut dresses heading towards clubs and pubs...

I'm talking about myself as well... I'm superficial as well, else, why keep thinking of ways to make myself look nicer... Just that everyone level of superficiality is different, but please do not go beyond the average, else, it's going to be scary...

But still, a joyful day, super tired though

3rd June - Woah, I'm all over Singapore

I'm like a ghost, flying everywhere, how good would it be if I have a pair of wings...

Breakfast - 1 cup of holick + 2 pcs of bread + 2 pcs of sushi

Lunch - 1 bowl of ban mian

Dinner - 1 milk shake + 1/2 bowl of rice with dishes + 2 pcs of kisses + 4 cubes of chocolate + 1 biscuit

Activity - 1 hour of aerobics

2nd June - Hpm...

Went to the north today...

Breakfast - 1 cup of holick + 1 pcs of bread with kaya & butter + 1/3 bowl of sunflower seed with raisins

Lunch - Home cooked food + 1 apple

Dinner - 2 sweet potato + 1 cup of milk tea + 2 pcs of sushi + 1/3 bowl of dishes + 200 ml of milk + 1 sweet

The auntie selling milk tea so sweet la... I asked for no ice and she told me there will be an additional of 20 cents, and I agreed... Then she offered me this, how about I put few cubes of ices and you can save your 20 cents?

Auntie so sweet right~ ha ha ha...

These are the little angels I'm referring to... Kind intentions are offered even when all of us are not related...

Activity - 2km of Jog

1st June - Medical checkup

Went for my medical checkup at NUH wellness centre, I must say the staffs are very professional...

Breakfast - 1 apple + 1 tuna puff + 1/3 cup of coffee + 1 soya ice cream cone

Lunch - 1 bowl of prawn noodles

Dinner - 1 cup of milo + 1/2 bowl of sesame soup with 2 tuan yuan + 2 mouthful of rice + 1 tuna & cheese sandwich + 1 cheese bread + 3 pcs of biscuit

Went to watch Kungfu panda... My review would not be accurate as I was really very tired, almost fell asleep...

31st May - My stomach very bloated, can fly kite liao

Do you know if you drink soya bean milk, eat whole grain all these will make you feel more bloated as compared to rice...

Sis L came up with this flying kite thingy, so funny lor... ha

Breakfast - 2 pcs of bread with kaya & butter + 300 ml of holick + 2 cubes of kinder blueno

Lunch - 1 bowl of noodles

Dinner - 1/4 bowl of rice with dishes + 1 bowl of soup + 10 raisins + 5 almond nuts + 1 milkshake

Activity - 1 & 1/2 hour of gym

30th May - Meeting

Meeting meeting meeting, excited... :D

Breakfast - 2 pcs of bread with kaya & butter + 15 almond nuts + 10 pcs of raisins

Lunch - 1 bowl of hor fun + 1/3 bowl of rice with dishes

Dinner - 300ml of milo + 2pcs of biscuit + 1 milk shake + 2 cubes of kinder clueno

Activity - 1 hour of swim

Tired but relieved...

29th May - Went for a photography meetup session~

Cool, went for a photography meetup session, the people there are really cool, learnt alot of new things!!! :D

Not really experiencing any muscle ache for the run, heng ar... Except for the pain at the knee area... And my new style of walking, the penguin walk, ha ha ha

Breakfast - 2 pcs of bread with kaya & butter + 2 sandwich (tuna & cheese)

Lunch - 1 set of KFC 2 pcs chicken, whose fault? My friend la, keep posting pictures of KFC chicken on FB, make me crave for it... @_@

Dinner - 1 milkshake + 20 almond nuts + 1 pcs of biscuit + 1/2 cone + 1 bowl of vegetable + 150ml of milk

Activity - Of course is to rest la... Got blood blister on my foot... sob sob... Sis L also has one, so funny, could be our running style and pressure applied wrongly

My friend shared with me that a pair of sports shoes need at least 24 hours to rest before the next run for it to regain it's tension. Also, one pair of sports shoes can last you for around 500 km... Interesting right, I never knew about such things...

To me, it's very important to talk to more people and listen to them, for, they have abundance of knowledge and skills you don't know, you can say, we can read books what, but, reading a book is a much longer process... And talking to more people broaden your social circle, why not. ha... :D

28th May - Sundown Marathon!!! 10km

The long awaited Sundown marathon is here, woohoo...

Wow sei, my first time running 10km lei, feeling really excited... Very zzz lor, at the beginning of the run, suddenly have the urge to go to toilet and waited for around 10-15mins. Then saw the champion runner running back~ Hiak... !_!

Anyway, it was an enjoyable run, I took my own sweet time and run at my own pace, I did not run throughout, did some short distance brisk walking, don't want to hurt my body, not worth it. I completed the run within 92 mins including the toilet wait, hiak~!!! >.<

Going to try standard chartered 10km at the end of the year!!! whee... Felt so good after the run, almost want to cry liao. I won't even dare of thinking about completing 10km 1 year ago, but look, how things have changed drastically. Saw some bigger people along the run, KUDOs to them! At my current weight, my knees are already hurting, imagine being them...

After all, it's the process and determination that counts, not really the results...

Breakfast - 2 pcs of bread with kaya & butter + 300ml of soya bean milk

Lunch - Home cooked food + 4 pcs of kisses

Dinner - Shared 1 set of burger king meal with sis L, had 2/3 portion

Happy happy happy~

Sunday, June 5, 2011

27th May - Meeting!

Met up with a client today~

Breakfast - 2 pcs of bread + 10 pcs of almond nuts + 1/3 bowl of sunflower seed with raisins + 3 pcs of biscuits + 1 herbalife shake

Lunch - 1/2 bowl of rice with vegetable

Dinner - 1 claypot chicken toufu with 2/3 bowl of rice + 1 ice cream cone + 1/3 bowl of rice with vegetable + 1 chocolate ice cream cone

Activity - Rest

26th May - Chiong arh... My creative juices drying up~

Interesting job, interesting ideas, implementation are tough~

I am beginning to enjoy this process all over again, passions are back~ whee :D

Breakfast - 2 pcs of bread with kaya & butter + 5 almond nuts

Lunch - 1 bowl of noodles + 3 slices of pear

Dinner - 1 bowl of vegetable + 5 almond nuts + 1 pcs of bread + 7 small sushi + 1 shilin mee sua + 1 fruit juice + 1 fried spring roll + 1 chocolate ice cream cone

Met up with friends to pour all my woes to them... Feeling fortunate to have them by my side.

Of course not forgetting my family members as well, but sometimes, I guess we just need to talk to people outside of the circle then we would be able to see things from all aspect...

Activity - 2km of jog

25th May - Work work work!!!

Time to get back to work... Piling up high~ Hiak...

Breakfast - 2 pcs of bread with kaya & butter + 1/3 bowl of cereal with sunflower seed + 1 guava + 300ml of soya bean milk

Lunch - 1 bowl of rice with dishes + 1 corn

Dinner - 1 plate of lei cha + 1/2 corn + 3 sushi + 1 bowl of pumpkin rice

Went to the library today... So happy~ :D

Activity - 1 hour of swim

24th May - Exam!

Exam day... Nervous... Played the buddha song to calm down my nerves, I just crap through my paper... ho ho

Those theories I memorised got trapped in my brain, the questions were quite tricky I would say, hopefully can pass la hor...

Breakfast - 2 pcs of bread with kaya & butter + 1/3 bowl of cereal with sunflower seed

Lunch - 1 corn + 1 bowl of porridge with dishes + 1/3 banana + 4 pcs of kisses + 4 pcs of sweet

Dinner - 1/3 bowl of rice with dishes + 1 milk shake + 1 orange + 1/3 bowl of cereal with sunflower seed + 1/3 bowl of porridge

Activity - Rest

Super duper tired~

23rd May - Study!


Breakfast - 2 pcs of bread with kaya & butter + 1 apple + 300ml of soya bean milk + 1/2 banana + 5 pcs of cherry tomato

Lunch - 1 plate of vegetarian economic rice + 4 pcs of kisses

Dinner - 1 orange + 1 milk shake + 1 small bowl of vegetable + 1/4 bowl of sunflower seed with cereal

Activity - 2 km of jog

22nd May - Study

Back to my books, chiong ar!!!

Breakfast - 2 pcs of bread with kaya & butter + 1 apple + 2 slices of pear + 5 pcs of nuts + 10 pcs of raisins + 1/3 bowl of sunflower seed & raisins

Lunch - 1 bowl of noodle + 1 orange + 1 banana

Dinner - 1 bowl of macaroni soup & mushrooms

Activity - Rest

I still have so many chapters to go... Brain exploding soon~

21th May - Skeptical!

I am very skeptical about what Miss S said!!! And I am very angry!!! Went out with few friends to release my anger...

Wasted some time, cause already not enough time to study~ hiak~

Breakfast - 300ml of soya bean milk + 1 guava + 1/3 bowl of sunflower seeds with raisins + 1 dried apricot

Lunch - 1 bowl of noodle + 1 sweet corn + 6 pcs of biscuit + 1/4 kit kat + 2 cubes of kinder blueno

Dinner - 1/2 bowl of rice with 1 bowl of vegetable + 1/4 cheesecake

Activity - 2 hours of gym

Breathe and relax~ Nice view of Jurong Island from Jurong hill

20th May - Exam mode~!

Ha, oh dear, looks like I need to do quite some update... Seriously, I can't recall much... I will try my best okie!

Exam exam exam, kind of last minute, was busy with some personal stuffs... Got a fright from what happened... Well, hope this will be the first and the last time such things happen... We know better on how to cope now. :D

Breakfast - 2 pcs of bread with kaya & butter + 1 apple

Lunch - 300ml of soya bean milk + 2 sweet potato + 1 bowl of noodle + 5 pcs of nuts & raisins + 1 dried apricot

Dinner - 2 sweet potato + 1/3 bowl of rice with dishes + 1 pcs of nut + 10 raisins + 1 dried apricot + 1 orange + 1 pack of biscuit

Study study study~!

Activity - 2km of jog

Friday, May 20, 2011

19th May - 21 days more~ Stay optimistic~

Believe it or not, 21 more days to my weight loss journey 1 year anniversary... The day where I started my goals and objectives...

Meaning I have 21 more days to get rid of the remaining 3.6kg before I hit the big 40kg!!! I'm excited~~~

Breakfast - 2 pcs of bread with kaya & butter + 1 guava (woke up at 3am to study)

Breakfast part 2 - 1 pcs of bread with kaya & butter + 300ml of soya bean milk + 1 papaya + 5 pcs of nuts + 2 dried apricot

Lunch - 1 bowl of noodle soup + 1 portion of fruits rojak (VERY YUMMY~)

Dinner - 1 bowl of noodle soup + 1 orange + 5 pcs of nuts & raisins + 1/3 bowl of noodle

I believe it's important to have optimistic people around you so that your spirit will be liven up, imagine to be facing a pessimistic colleague everyday you reach your workplace. The first thing you hear is complain and still complain, but turn the situation around, having a chirpy colleague greeting you and telling you all the happy stuffs... Your day will definitely be different.

I'm a happy person, even when I am down, I will hide my emotions because I know it will affect the spirit of a group, when one person is feeling down, the whole group will definitely be affected, it's something call aura~

I'm not saying you cannot be sad, but be like a child, rant/complain/cry, do whatever you want to release that emotion and MOVE ON... Smile~

Come to think of it, being angry or unhappy is not beneficial to your body you know, take a look at this article~

I hope by reading my blog helps to lift up your spirit~! :D

Thursday, May 19, 2011

18th May - Be contented...

I don't know what to say...

Watch this video and look at how others are leading their lives, compare yours with them...

Trailer of Underage from Ohm Phanphiroj on Vimeo

Breakfast - 1 & 1/2 pcs of bread with kaya & butter + 300ml of soya bean milk + 1 apple

Lunch - 1 guava + 1 bowl of noodle + 1/2 sweet corn

Dinner - 2 sweet potato + 2 pcs of tau sa phiang + 2 dried apricot + 10 pcs of dried cranberry + 1/2 sweet corn

Slept at 8pm today, was very tired...

And darn, 1 pcs of tau sa phiang is 100 calories~ PUI~ lolx

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

17th May - Emo Shit~

Argh... so emo shit today, very vex lei...

Don't want to waste time thinking about unnecessary stuffs, could be that I'm not very well, that's why feeling a bit down as well... KNS... Waste time

Breakfast - 3 pcs of sweet potato + 1 glass of carrot & green apple juice + 1/2 wheat sandwich + 1 pcs of plain white bread

Lunch - 1 plate of vegetarian economic rice + 1 ice cream + 250ml of malt chocolate drink

Dinner - 1 6-inch subway + 1/3 cheesecake + 1 bowl of vegetable

Activity - Rest...

I advise you to stop wasting time on emo-shitty issues, no need to think too much, what will come will come, what will not will never~

Went Guan Yin Ma there to pray for good health and safety

16th May - Having slight flu

Very weird, just feeling very restless, and having slight flu~ Oh no, I better stay away from Sis S...

Breakfast - 2pcs of bread with kaya & butter + 1 guava + 5 pcs of almond nuts & raisins + 300ml of soya bean milk + 6 pcs of walnuts & raisins + 1 apple + 4 pcs of bicsuit

Lunch - 2 bowls of rice vermicelli with vegetable

Dinner - 4 pcs of biscuit + 1 bowl of rice vermicelli with vegetable + 4 pcs of kisses + 1 orange + 5 pcs of almond nuts & raisins

Activity - 40 mins of bodybuilding exercises

Very tired~ Sleep sleep sleep~

Monday, May 16, 2011

15th May - Slack~

I just slacked for the whole day, don't feel like moving, don't feel like doing anything, don't feel like thinking, just feel like sleeping~ wheeeee

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with kaya & butter + 1 guava

Lunch - Home cooked food + 3/4 apple

Dinner - Home cooked food + 4 pcs of kisses + 1 big sweet potato + 1 bowl of very healthy fried noodles + 4 pcs of biscuit

Activity - 1 hour of swim + sleep & sleep & sleep

14th May - Tai Ji Quan & Laughing Yoga

Attended a session of Tai Ji and Laughing Yoga...

Tai Ji Quan is really good, the movements not too tough and it really helps the flow of the air at the surrounding. Towards the end of the session, I farted and it was amazing how I could lift my hands easily into the air... I'm keen to take up more classes, as I feel my mood and mind is much more @ peace

The guy who held the Laughing Yoga session did a great job, a very jovial person. Most of the time, those folks were laughing at his chinese, I guess... But the intention and goals were achieved, why not~ I want to go for his session again... That will be 3 months later...

He mentioned, on average, a child laugh 300 times a day, but an adult only laugh 18 times a day... What happened to the 278 times? Remember to laugh more...

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with kaya & butter + 1 green apple + 200ml of soya bean milk + 1 sweet potato

Lunch - 1 bowl of brown rice with vegetable + 2 pcs of sweet potato + 1 slice of cake + 1/2 slice of chocolate swiss roll + 1/2 pcs of kueh

Dinner - 1 bowl of brown rice with vegetable + 5 chips + 10 raisins

For your information, 100g of uncooked brown rice is around 380 calories, hence, I guess 1 bowl of brown rice should be around 250 calories which is equivalent to 1 bowl of white rice...

You might be thinking, then what's the difference, it's the sugar level~ More sugar, more carbohydrate turn into fats, less sugar, less fats~ That's why people say if you have got diabetes, eat brown rice, will help to bring down cholesterol level as well~

13th May - Timebre @ Old School

I'm here, I'm there, I'm everywhere~

Met up with friends over at Timbre for a drink in the evening...


Life is unpredictable...

Atmosphere was great at Timbre except for the super tiny fan and glaring lights~ Drinks and food was definitely great though I had subway... lolx.... But it's certainly a good place for gatherings and such~ But be prepared, you won't be able to connect with friends due to the loud music~

Unless you are with a small group of friends~

Breakfast - 2 pcs of bread with kaya + 1 guava + 2 pcs of bread with kaya (was too hungry while waiting to go for lunch)

Lunch - 1 yong tau hu soup + 1 apple + 1 slice of papaya + 10 pcs of nuts with raisins + 1 cornetto chocolate ice cream

Dinner - 1 pandan cake + 1 erdinger beer + 1 6-inch subway roasted chicken breast sandwich

Activity - 2km of jog