Monday, January 31, 2011

30th Jan - Spring cleaning!!!

It's kinda late to spring clean now, but better to be late than never. Packing all the old clothes, tried fitting into the old clothes, wow phiang, super big, I was thinking how come I was so huge and nobody tell me. My sisters said they did but I did not listen. See la see la... Anyway it's a relieve I am slimmer now... pheewwww.... I am not insulting those who are big now, just that, I finally see fruits from my labour

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 2 pcs of mushroom chocolate from Meiji

Lunch - There's 2 parts to lunch cause Sis S bought some food to share but after a while become hungry again.

Part 1 - 2 mouthfuls of bee hoon with noodles + 1 pcs of wu xiang + 1 pcs of fish fillet + 1 small piece of you tiao + 1 small piece of butterfly bun + 1 pcs of pork slice (4 by 2cm) + 1 pcs of chewing gum

Part 2 - 1/4 piece of Zinger burger + 1 small bowl of fried rice with fish + 15 pcs of cheese fries + 1 pcs of Merci chocolate + 1/5 portion of po piah

Dinner - 1 Herbalife shake

Activity - Rest

The weather is super cold, I'm freezing liao wor...

29th Jan - Gathering with choir juniors

Had a gathering in the evening with some of the choir juniors, well, it has been nearly 3 years since we all last met, ooorhhh, just feel that we have all grown up. Time flies, all of them were in shocked when they saw me, they say I have slimmed down alot and it sure feels good! he he he...

Breakfast - 1 small pcs of rice kueh + 1/3 pcs of soon kueh + 1 small pcs of Ham Jin Bing + 1 pcs of bread with cheese

Lunch - 1 bowl of yong tau hu soup with rice

Teabreak - 2 pcs of CNY cookies + 2 pieces of kueh bahulu + 1/2 pcs of Merci chocolate

Dinner - BBQ food, bbq smell all over me! 3 mouthfuls of bee hoon + 2 mid-joint wings + 1 pcs of marshmallow + 1 pcs of otah + 1/2 pcs of egg tart + 2 pcs of chocolate + 2 pcs of sotong balls + 1 pcs of chicken chop + 1/2 pcs of hotdog

I'm amazing right! I can remember all these food I have taken.. wahahhaha

Not that I'm thick-skinned but I am getting quite a bit of attention now from some guys... And I think it sorta boost up my self-esteem as well. I am NOT a flirt, I'm just speaking the truth, let's move on... :)

28th Jan - Still chionging my project!

woolala, short and sweet today

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 1 traditional peanut (2 by 1cm) + 2 pcs of cake bahulu

Lunch - 1/2 plate of hokkien mee, shared with sis S + 1 pcs of chewing hum + 1/2 can of soya bean milk

Dinner - 1 palm size portion vegetable + 1/2 ice cream cone + 1 Herbalife shake + 1 pcs of pork slice (5 by 2cm)

Activity - 1 hour of Aerobics

The ice cream is too sweet for me, I ate some and put it back into the fridge.

27th Jan - Work work work

Just started the website, argh, start too late liao...

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 1 pcs of wu xiang + 1 pcs of kisses

Lunch - 1 bowl of Lu mee, packed 3 mouthful of noodles home + 2/3 butter corn cup, u know those from the pasa malam, nice! + 1 pcs of Merci chocolate + 2 pcs of chewing gum, itchy itchy mouth

Dinner - 1 palm size portion of vegetable + 1 pcs of wu xiang + 1/3 pcs of Tau Sa Biang + 1/2 Herbalife shake

Not much snake today, no time. wahhahaha

Activity - 1 hour of brisk walking + jogging + sprinting

26th Jan - Chinatown with Friends

We squeeze squeeze squeeze at Chinatown today, many many many people, rainy weather.. Sian, I hate rainy days, dampen the spirit and mood. But it was a great trip to cowcarwater... woolala

Breakfast - 1/2 pcs of bread with cheese, another 1/2 pcs with peanut butter + 1 pcs of wang wang biscuit + 1/4 pcs of lao bo bing from HK

Lunch - 1 bowl of yong tau hu + 1 pcs of chewing gum, packed 1/2 bowl of rice with some ingredients back home

Teabreak - 1 pcs of pork slice (4 by 2cm) + 1/3 palm size portion vegetable + 3 CNY cookies + 1 peanut

Dinner - Went Chinatown market to have dinner, thanks to the other 2 friends for helping to finish up the food.. Yummy

I live to eat and not eat to live, there's a huge difference, how about you?

25th Jan - Craving for Curry puff

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with cheese

Lunch - Chicken with Char Siew rice + 1 pcs of chewing gum

Teabreak - 1 pcs of honey holes + 1 small pcs of peanut pancake + 1/2 pcs of curry puff + 1 pcs of pineapple tart + 1 pcs of pork slice (3 by 1cm) + 2 pcs of kisses

Dinner - Went to Chinatown and Bugis to shop for CNY goodies, so had dinner outside, had 1/2 pcs of Mcspicy burger + 3 pcs of fries, yummy yummy!

Activity - 2 hours of gym, I jump, skip, run to shake off all my fats, he he he

Come to think of it, why is it that human have got cravings? I felt much much much better after my workout, exercising do help to produce Happy hormones! wheee

Anyway, I had a fun time shopping with my sisters and father!!! :)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

24th Jan - My mood was really bad today

Nooooo, the bad hormones are back! Pui pui pui, hate it, I was thinking of something out of nothing. Darn... Stupid hormones! I felt much better after my swim, it must be the hormones! Look, I always like to push the blame around. ha ha

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 1 small piece of sweet potato + 1 pcs of chewing gum

Lunch - 1 plate of vegetarian rice + 1 pcs of Merci Chocolate + 1 pcs of Ferrero Rocher

Teabreak - Had these food before I go for my swim. 1 portion of palm size home cooked vegetable + 2 small pieces of chicken with 1 mouthful of rice + 1 pcs of pork slice (4 by 2cm) + 1 pcs of chewing gum

Dinner - Greedy. 1 Herbalife shake + 2 pcs of wafer + 2 pcs of potato chip + 1 pcs of wang wang + 1 pcs of honey holes + 1 pcs of sweet

Activity - 1 hour of swim, i am swimming really hard in order to be faster

Do you know when you exercise, some happy hormones are produced? =)

Monday, January 24, 2011

23rd Jan - Drinking lotsa water

Feeling very dry, must be suffering from dehydration, whole body feeling very hot, dry throat. Argh! CNY coming and I'm all black, I deserve it right, who ask me to go cycling! lolx.

Breakfast - 1 piece of pineapple tart, made by Sis S, really really nice! 1 piece of bread with cheese + 2 pcs of pork slice (4 by 2 cm) + 1 pcs of chewing gum

Lunch - Yong Tau Hu soup + 2 pcs of chewing gums

Teabreak - 2 packs of seaweed + 1/2 pcs of banana + 1 small piece of sweet potato + 1 palm size portion of home cooked vegetable

Dinner - 1 Herbalife Shake + 1 pcs of chewing gum + 3 small pcs of home cooked chicken

Look at the pineapple tarts Sis S made!

I want to eat more CNY goodies today but my throat don't allow me to! Arghhh...

Activity - 1 hour of sweating

I think I have been too mischievous, it time for me to tone down.

22nd Jan - Chao ta liao!

Went cycling with friends from East coast park to Changi village, the route was around 30km, super shiok! But the aftermath was bad, butt pain, turned darker, sunburn and here ache there ache. But we had lotsa fun today, laughing, joking and laming all the way. However I must constantly remind myself that I'm 26 and stop behaving like a 19 year old. lolx

Breakfast - Bread with cheese

Lunch - Shared pig trotters and liver soup with friend, asked uncle to give me less rice. My friend wasted some food, she ar... I really don't like people to waste food!!! My sisters must be staring as me now! Anyway, the food was really good and it reminds me of the days where we were learning how to blade! I miss blading, I will go blading soon!

Dinner - Korean BBQ at Katong village, did not have much, just few pieces of meat and vegetable. The food was quite good, it's a good dinning place for meat lovers.

I think I'm encountering some low self-esteem problems, I did not realise it until recently where I start to compare myself with others. In the past when I was bigger, I completely ignore everything and just live the way I like, but now that I'm slimmer, I start to compare and feel really low. But I believe I will be able to conquer this as I have been all bright and sunny all my life.

Take a look at the lyrics of this song, it brighten up my spirit!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

21 Jan - My first time to a Malay Solemnisation

My sister's friend got us to take photos for her solemnisation, it's my first time attending a non-chinese one, it was really wonderful. Seeing somebody get married always make me smile, feeling so happy for the loving couple!

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 1 pcs of cookie + 1 pack of seaweed + 1 pcs of chewing gum

Lunch - Yong Tau Hu + 1 ice cream cone, I did not finish the yong tau hu soup, packed some ingredients and rice home cause I have been dying to eat Mac ice cream cone! ke ke ke

Dinner - Had some Malay food after the solemnisation, was really hungry!! Really nice food but very sinful!

One of the aunties at the wedding asked us where are we from, I got a shocked when I heard this question, I was thinking what should I reply her? Should I say, 1) I am from Singapore, 2) I am from Jurong or 3)How I know the couples. Then the auntie explained she thought we are from China, both me and Sis S had a good laugh. I don't really have any Malay friends because my communication in English just don't go across, but it was really a wonderful night with the aunties and uncles, they welcomed us wholeheartedly.

20th Jan - Jotting down the food I take

I'm starting to jot down the food I take everyday in a journal so that I can give a more accurate posting. It also helps me in reducing the amount of food I take, for example, when I see I have more intake in the morning, I will try to cut for lunch or dinner. Or if I had too much the day before, I will try to take something light tomorrow. Maybe you can try this as well, though it can be quite troublesome to note down whatever you eat. Looking at it from another angle, you might feel lazy writing down the food and you will skip the food. wahhahaha.... Just like removing the scorch tape from the CNY goodies bottle idea.

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 1 pcs cracker + 1 pcs of butter cake (5 by 3 cm), 2 pieces of pork slices (4 by 2cm), 1 pcs of pineapple tart, 2 pieces of chewing gum

Lunch - Economic rice, packed 1/3 portion of the rice home

Teabreak - 1 banana + 2 pork slices + 1 pcs of chocolate

Dinner - 5 mouthfuls of fried rice + 1 vegetable soup + 1/2 Herbalife shake

Activity - 1 hour of swim, around 11 laps, 600metres

I have to remind all of you not give up hopes when you see your weight gain during your weight loss journey because there are really a lot of factors that might be affecting the weight gain, could be menses, could be muscles, could be water retention... I remembered when I had my first weight gained, I was really paranoid and wonder what's happening, however, I monitored for a few days and my weight went down. You just got to remind yourself that you cannot give up no matter what happened because after all, you will definitely reach that desired healthy weight be it 3 months, 6 months, 1 year or even 2 years, no matter what methods you are using. If you give up, it means you are not determined enough or the reason you want to lose weight is not powerful enough! Then think of some goals and objectives that will keep you going forever! Let's cheer each other on!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

19th Jan - BBQ pork slice is so nice!

My mother cut up the pork slice into tiny pieces and put it into a container, this is really bad. It became too convenient for me to reach out for. wahhahaha... It would be better if she don't cut the pieces because I would not want to eat the pork slices, cause everytime I wanna take out a piece, my hand would be damn oily hence reducing the amount I eat. As for the other chinese new year cookies, I will feel lazy opening the stickers and taping it back just to retrieve 1 piece so I would rather not eat it. This may sound funny to you but it truly works! wahahhahaa

Breakfast - 1 piece of bread with cheese + 1 slice of butter cake + 2 pieces of cookies + 1/6 slice of BBQ pork slice

Lunch - Home cooked bamboo with pork soup + 1 piece of chocolate

Dinner - 1 Herbalife shake + 1 piece of chocolate

Teabreak - 1/2 piece of sweet potato

I'm getting more and more greedy as CNY is nearing, got ready some chewing gums so that I can chew on them when my mouth is itchy. But I still eat what I want to eat, so that I don't miss out any food, so, no binging problem at the end of the day.

18th Jan - Whee, off to Malaysia!

Whee, we are off to Malaysia, went to KSL and Holiday Inn plaza, it was fun but not as fun as the first time since this is the second time we visit the mall. We will venture the other malls next time.

Breakfast - 1 piece of bread with cheese + 1 piece of chocolate + 1/12 slice of pork slice + 1 tiny piece of butter cake

Lunch - KFC @ Msia, my favourite, shared these food with my 2 sisters

Snack - Was quite hungry after alot of walking, shared these food with my sisters, but we did not finish the food, was too oily. Packed the remains home for the strays. Shared 1 cup of milk tea

Dinner - Sis S has been wanting to eat french toast from Wang Jiao long time ago, so we headed to the restaurant, conclusion: only the french toast is edible. lolx. We did not finish the food, packed most of it home.

We took a cab from City Square to KSL and the meter clearly showed 5.60 but the driver told us to pay him 7 bucks, I believe it was because he knew we are Singaporeans so he demanded extra. On our way back, we agreed not to chat in taxis, but it was really hirlarous, it's so hard not to talk and we kept laughing to ourselves. But we got a honest taxis driver this time round. Honestly, I can feel that some Msian really dislike us Singaporeans. lolx.

17th Jan - Off to meeting and collecting books!

Off off off to meeting and collecting books. We waited for 3 buses and all 3 were fully packed. Hence, decided to take a cab then a 1/2 empty bus came but we are already in the cab. Sometimes, this is how wonderful life is, izzn't it. Went to the school to collect my studying materials, forget to bring my phone, so, no pictures today.

Breakfast - 1 cup of milo + 1/2 piece of sugar roll

Lunch - 1 bowl of tom yam handmade noodle from SIM, very yummy! Shared 1 cup of KOI milk tea with Sis S, I have given KOI many tries, but still think it's not very nice. Prefer bubble tree and gong cha.

Dinner - 1 Herbalife shake

Snack - 1 piece of chocolate + few pieces of chinese new year cookies

Activity - 1 hour of swim

The 3 of us went to old jurong west in the evening to get a feel of the CNY mood. =)

On a side note, I think Unisim did the smartest choice of replacing the stupid boxes/plastic bags with the recycling bag!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

16 Jan - Feeling very full and disgusted all because of the cheese

It's just a lazy day, feel really disgusted after my breakfast just because of a piece of cheese. Yuck yuck yuck, pui pui pui!

Breakfast - Buffet breakfast at M hotel, I would say the selection of food is not alot but the quality of the food is quite good. But if you are looking for more variety then it's not a good choice. By the way, I took more food than what is shown in the pictures but did not snap it, will be too busy taking pictures. Just want to enjoy my meal.

Lunch - Din have lunch, was too full

Dinner - 1 herbalife shake + 1 piece of chocolate + some CNY cookies, few pieces only hor

Activity - 1 hour of aerobics

Oh dear oh dear, something weird happened, my menses came but it shouldn't be here!!! ?_?

Watched "Taken" on channel 5, it's a very nice show, scary and exciting! he he he

School starting soon, dreaddd...

15 Jan - Wait, wait and wait

There are situations in life where you have done your best already and can only wait, these moments are simply unbearable. Just for example, you woke up on time and went to the bus stop early, but the bus just don't come causing you to be late. Of course, this is not what I'm referring to, just an example. How do you deal with such situations? Wait and time will solve the issue or?

Breakfast - 1 piece of bread with cheese + 1/12 slice of pork slice

Lunch - Mum's fried bee hoon

Snack - While wait, I had some snack, few pieces of chips here and there, just like palm size portion

Dinner - Had our meals at Togi @ Chinatown, super nice and wonderful, the three of us shared these food. It's the light up ceremony today, super crowded.

CNY coming... woohooo.. get ready for the Frequently asked questions!

Monday, January 17, 2011

14 Jan - Just feeling troubled

Breakfast - 1 piece of bread with cheese + 1/6 piece of pork slice, yummy yummy, anyway, I think Ling Zhi Yuan standard drop

Lunch - Packed economic rice home, did not finish the rice

Dinner - 1 Herbalife shake + 2 pieces of cookies

Activity - 1 hour of aerobics

I'm just feeling very troubled, sigh, the bad hormones are everywhere.

Friday, January 14, 2011

13 Jan - I'm a Facebook addict

Honestly, I have a personal Facebook account other than the Jweightloss account, because I am not ready for my friends to see my blog. I only disclose this blog to friends who asked me about it and who is really keen to know my process and progress. I find myself to be checking FB every now and then, oh shit, do you have such symptoms as well? This is really bad... I need to know how to kick off the bad habit now!

Breakfast - 1 piece of bread with cheese + 1/12 slice of Pork Slice + 1 cookie + 1 chocolate wafer stick + 1 piece of chocolate

Lunch - Yong Tau Hu Soup, already ask uncle to give me less bee hoon but still alot, wasted some food, guilty

Dinner - 1 small bowl of bamboo stick soup + 300ml of Herbalife shake + 1 piece of chocolate

Snack - 5 small pieces of pineapple + 1/2 piece of bread with cheese

Activity - 1 hour of brisk walking + jogging + sprinting

Whee, CNY coming! Yeah! Are you in the mood?

On a side note: Confidence, I need to be more confident about myself in terms of looks and size. I am too used to be big that I still feel the same inside. I need to pick up some books on self esteem!

Article on how to stop Facebook Addiction -

Thursday, January 13, 2011

13th Jan - Finally my face!

I have decided to reveal my face to show all of you the difference when I was 105.1kg and now.

I will not forget what my aunt told me 6 months ago, she mentioned, if I can take out 400 dollars to help you be slimmer, why not? If I don't help you now, you might need to spend over 10 thousand dollars for medical fees. Most importantly, she told me, once I see results, help the people around me and share with them my story! My aunt has got a generous heart and I am really inspired by her! =)

I hope I manage to inspire you as well!

12th Jan - Not in the right state of mind

I wasn't in the right state of mind today, something is affecting me, I even drew the 4D numbers wrongly. So dead... But I felt so much better after talking to a friend over the phone and another friend after gym. I didn't dare to consult my sisters as I think it would be silly!

Breakfast - 1 piece of bread with cheese + few mouthful of cheesecake and chocolate cake

Lunch - Mum cooked noodles and rice, yummy

Dinner - 1 Herbalife shake + 1 mouthful of rice with fish

Went to the gym after drinking my shake, went home feeling a bit hungry so had rice with fish. Just a gentle reminder, please do not go exercise when you just had your meal, because it's really bad for our gastric, I was feeling really uncomfortable even though the shake is in liquid form.

Also, please do not go exercise with an empty stomach, years back, I went to the gym without taking my breakfast and I felt dizzy, the instructor had to guide me to the chair and it was really bad as I couldn't breath properly. He made me a cup of milo and I was damn embarrassed when he asked me, are you on diet that's why you din eat? In fact, it was because I was late (meeting a friend at the gym) so I did not grab any food thinking it would be fine. It's best to have food 2/3 hours before you proceed for your exercise session.

Well, we just got to listen to our body!

Oh ya, saw this article from Yahoo, highlighting to us what to eat and how to manage our meals, somewhat similar to what I have been preaching on my blog.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

11th Jan - I hit 30kg today! Whee whee

Yahhhoooo, I hit 30kg today, wahhahahaha, I am like 10kg away from my healthy weight range, I will continue to strive on!

Breakfast - 1 piece of bread with cheese

Lunch - Bee Hoon soto with additional side dish, the soup is too spicy liao, my stomach churning for the whole night.

Dinner - 1 cup of milo from Long John Silver, there was this lady who cut my Q, the manager shouldn't have serve her, but he continued, this is the 2nd time someone cut my Q since the year start and it's only like around 12 days? lolx. Sigh, I wonder what these people are thinking.

Shared this piece of Strawberry cheesecake from Cafe Cartel Marina Square, the crews there were not friendly at all lor, they gave us the impression that they just want us to leave immediately.

How sad it is, I should pick up some books on confidence!

By the way, help me to tell your friends I have lost 30kg, spread my joy! wahhahhaa

10th Jan - I just need a swim!

The weather is so cold.... But I really need a swim, it has been so long since I last swam, sob sob.

Breakfast - 1 piece of bread with cheese

Lunch - Economic rice

Dinner - 1 Herbalife shake, I am back to my shake again! wahhahaha, finally

And finally, I can eat the tibits my sister bought! Of course, I don't go eating non-stop, I controlled myself.

Activity - 1 hour of swim, shiok, saw sexy butt at the swimming pool. =)

I saw this article from Yahoo and find it really interesting. Do take a look at it! =)

9th Jan - Exercise, exercise, pump pump pump!

Was feeling damn tired after the "Ton" yesterday, felt like a walking zoombie. I am suppose to go to the temple to help out today but I missed it, full of guilt. Sigh.

Breakfast - 1 piece of bread with cheese

Lunch - I have been wanting to eat this Samurai burger for so long, and I finally get to eat it today. Yummy yummy. Ate 1/4 piece of the McBistro burger and 1/2 piece of Samurai burger for lunch. McBistro burger tasted alright only.

Dinner - Shared this plate of "Hor Fun" with 1 friend

Activity - 1 hour of aerobics and 2 hours of badminton, I barely played for the badminton session, as mentioned, I was like a walking zoombie! Super tired.

I feel really good that I'm exercising again. =)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

8th Jan - Day out with friends

Went out with friends today, the itinerary wasn't fix, so it was kind of Japalang.

Breakfast - 1 herbalife shake

Lunch - Dim Sum @ 126, super nice, shared these food between the 5 of us. Yummy yummy. You should go try it if you are a fan of Dim Sum.

Went to a friend place and watched Megamind, almost fell asleep in the beginning but the ending was kind of interesting.

Dinner - Had Japanese food, shared all these food at Sukuraya at West Coast Plaza between the 4 of us. Nice.

Activity - 2 hours of gyming, whee!

Went for bowling after our meals, met some other friends there. Me and 3 other friends stayed up at Mac the whole night discussing about relationship. It has been 4 years since I last liked someone, I used to be the one confessing but I don't think this should be the way right? If that guy really like you, he should take the initiative, right? In this way, then he will appreciate you more. Anyway, it was really tiring to be staying up, my brain couldn't function properly the next day, it was really bad. It's essential for everyone to get their full 8 hours of sleep daily else the brain begin to wander. Speaking of getting a boyfriend, days back, I saw this article at Yahoo News, I'm going to try this! wahhahaha... Shit, I cannot find the article, whahahaha....