Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Morning Glory - Strip me - Very nice song

La la la la la la
Everyday I fight for
All my future somethings
A thousand little wars
I have to choose between
I could spend a lifetime
Earning things that I don't need
But that's like chasing rainbows
And coming home empty
And if you strip me,
Strip it all away
If you strip me,
What would you find
If you strip me,
Strip it all away
Ill be alright

Take what you want
Steal my pride
Build me up
Or cut me down to size
Shut me out
But I'll just scream
Im only one voice in a million
but you aint taking that from me
Oh oh no you aint taking that from me x 4

I dont need a microphone, yeah,
To say what I been thinking
My heart is like a loudspeaker
Thats always on eleven
And if you strip me,
Strip it all away
If you strip me,
What would you find

[ From: ]

If you strip me,
Strip it all away
I'm still the same

Take what you want
Steal my pride
Build me up
Or cut me down to size
Shut me out
But I'll just scream
Im only one voice in a million
but you aint taking that from me
Oh oh no you aint taking that from me x 4

'cuz when it all boils down
At the end of the day
It's what you do and say
That makes you who you are
Makes you think about it,
Think about it
Doesn't it
Sometimes all it takes is one voice

Take what you want
Steal my pride
Build me up
Or cut me down to size
Shut me out
But I'll just scream
Im only one voice in a million
but you aint taking that from me
Oh oh no you aint taking that from me x 4

29th March - Sakura buffet again, I swear to avoid it for at least 2 months

Had Sakura buffet again, very happy while eating but very unhappy after eating. Was so full for the whole day, wow lau, I hate that kind of very full feeling. I will avoid buffet for at least 2 months. You see, I know exactly when I feel full but sometimes, you just get greedy when you see all those sizzling and tempting food. zzz

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 1/2 pcs of bread with kaya & butter + 100ml of soya bean milk

Lunch - Sakura buffet, I was around 150% full, this is really bad

Dinner - Was hungry at around 8pm, 150ml of soya bean milk + 1/4 pcs of BBQ pork + 1/2 pork stick + 1/3 slice of chocolate cake + 1/4 chocolate cup cake + 1/8 pcs of cheese + 1/4 long kit kat + 3 small seeds of durian

I hate the "feeling very full" feeling :P

Activity - 4km of jog, I wanted to jog 6km instead, but menses is here and stomach not well

I guess my stomach couldn't take as much different kinds of food as before, meaning, cannot have too much of a wide variety, it somehow forgot to digest certain kind of food that I have not been taking. lolx. These days, I will feel giddy if I am too full. ?_? Will go google and find out why

28th March - PMS

Super duper tired and depress today, for no reason. Then I realise is because my menses is here. The cycle is messing up, my menses was here on the 8th march, today is only 28th and it's here again. That's why I told you there's seriously something wrong with my body and I need to find out what is wrong. I was crying in the library for thinking too much again, I hope I did not scare the girl who was sitting in front of me. I seriously need to go for some counseling, I have checked out the rates, just need to book an appointment. In fact, I hate to admit that I have a problem, but you see, I do have a problem and I should not deny it. Most importantly, everyone around me feels I am quite strange these days... Well, let's see the counselor's assessment.

Breakfast - 2 pcs of bread with cheese + 1/2 cup of coffee + 1/4 chocolate cupcake (this is super nice) + 1/2 buttercake + 1/6 slice of BBQ pork + 1 egg

Lunch - 1 salmon bowl + 1 chocolate cone + 8 pcs of calamari ring + 1/3 cheesecake (U should really try Fish & Co cheesecake, it will wow you away) + 1/3 portion of fish + some salad

Dinner - 200 ml of soya bean milk + 1/8 slice of BBQ pork + 1 egg + 1 pcs of bread with kaya & butter + 1 cube of chocolate + 1/3 kit kat

As you can see, I am eating more, it could be due to the hormone changes causing the unhappiness, hence, I tend to eat sinful food to fight away the bad thoughts. I won't say it's not good but I seriously need to solve this problem and MOVE ON!!!

Activity - 1 hour of swim

Remember I told you exercising does help to produce happy hormones, I feel way better after my swim

It must be the hormones~

27th March - Malay wedding

Remember I told you I shooted for a Malay solemnization? Time flies, I went for the wedding shoot today, was magnificent, I have never witness a full Malay wedding before and I was given the opportunity today. It was just so simple and relaxing, nothing too exaggerate, very peaceful and joyful. Hey readers, I am providing photography services for events/weddings/ROMs, do inform me if you need a quote. I have my portfolio ready, anytime you want to meet, send me an email. :D For your information, you should not base my standard on the quality of the food photos I took daily~ la la la

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 1/2 pcs of 马蹄酥 + 1 pcs of wafer biscuit + 3 tiny milo chocolate

Lunch - Bee Hoon yong tau hu soup, ask the auntie to give me only 1/2 portion of bee hoon + 1/2 cup of coffee

Teabreak - Had some malay food and lotsa cakes, actually I wasn't hungry, but everyone around me is eating and I turned greedy, but I only had one mouthful of the different kind of food, so it's not that bad. lolx

Dinner - 2 pcs of nuggets + 1/3 portion of apple pie + 10 fries


26th March - I have a strong mind

Not that I am boasting, but I do have a mindset that is much stronger than most people. I don't give up that easily as compared to some of my friends. And I am a very optimistic person. I may not be as happy as compared to the past but I am NOT sad
, I am going for counseling session (it's nothing too serious, just some anxiety disorder, self-esteem and think too much problem). One thing is, I know my body/emotion very well and I guess I really need some help this time round. We only got 1 tiny brain, therefore, it's really important for us to protect it else... U know la...

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 200 ml of soya bean milk

Lunch - 1/2 pcs of 马蹄酥 + 1/4 pcs of Pong Biang + 3/4 portion of Mcspicy burger + 1/2 portion of chocolate sundae + 1/4 cup of coke light + 1/6 cup of milo + 20 fries

Dinner - Was super duper hungry, had 1 plate of Nasi Lemak from Changi Village + 1 stick of satay + 1 big cup of lime juice

Went roller blading with friends, super shiok. Anyway, we were in a friend's car waiting for a carpark slot, then we saw this slot and were waiting to park in. Suddenly, this uncle with his family just park into the slot knowing that we were waiting. He did not even lift his head to look at us upon doing such immoral act. My friends got really agitated and started scolding here and there. Then, I am reminded of how I used to be 10 months ago, I get agitated easily and always want to argue/fight with people. Until one day, my aunt told me, why you want to get so agitated and make your blood pressure high and such, it's not beneficial to yourself. Just let these people be la, we can always wait...

One thing to note: If people want to make you angry, the more you shouldn't cause it will only make the person happier...

Also, try to mix with people who can infuse greater learning

Activity - 2 hours of gym + 2 hours of roller blading

25th March - I need some vegetable~

Cooked lunch today, need some green stuffs to clear my stomach. Dad came home and commented, it's been like a few hundred years since you last cooked... DOTz... KUDOs to all the mummies who got to work and cook, it's super tiring lor... I mean, LOOK, cooking a meal takes you at least 2 hours, and imagine it's after a day of work. However, during mealtime, when you see your family members chewing your food away happily, you will definitely feel the contentment and joy. That's why there's this song, 世上只有妈妈好。。。

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 1/2 pcs of bread with peanut spread + 1 wafer biscuit + 1 cube of chocolate

Lunch - Home cooked food + 1 extra chicken wing + 1/2 pcs of pork slice + 2 tiny pcs of milo chocolate + 2 tiny pcs of kit kat chocolate

Teabreak - 1 pcs of chicken wing + 1 mouthful of rice + 2 pcs of wafer biscuit + 1 palm size portion of vegetable

Dinner - 1 stick of satay + 2 mouthfuls of pandan cake + 2 mouthfuls of cheese cake + 200ml of soya bean milk + 1 Herbalife shake

I am eating more these days... very greedy hor. lolx

24th March - Rock climbling, you cannot give up!

Went rock climbing with Sis L and her friend today. Super duper shiok. Most importantly, I completed what I did not when I was in Secondary school. At that time, we were all given a chance to rock climb, but I just couldn't make my way up, was because that I was too heavy and due to time constraint, I got to make way for the other classmates. And today, I finally conquered the wall! :D Can you imagine my joy and satisfaction? I can't describe it with words. During the climb, there's this point where I really feel like giving up, but there's this inner voice telling me, YOU CANNOT, we should apply this to everything we do!

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 1 cube of chocolate + 1/2 pcs of longevity bun

Lunch - 1 bowl of Kueh Tiao soup + 1/3 slice of BBQ pork + 1/2 pork stick + 2 cubes of chocolate + 3 pcs of M&M chocolate

Dinner - 1 Herbalife shake + 1 cup of soya bean milk + 2/3 pork stick + 1 small chicken drum + 1 seed of durian + 1 cube of chocolae + 1/6 slice of BBQ pork + 3 pcs of CNY cookie

Honestly, I have not been losing weight, instead, I gained 1 or 2 kg, but I look slimmer, it could be the muscles/hormones... Still monitoring

Let's continue to strive on...

23th March - World Invasion

Went out with that bunch of funny friends and watched world invasion, the actions and exploding scenes are powerful, but I still think the plot could be further improved. Yawn a few times during the show, lolx.

Breakfast part 1 - 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 1/6 slice of BBQ pork + 1/4 马蹄酥

Activity - 4km of jog, Sundown is near, I'm training real hard for it

Breakfast part 2 - 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 1 pcs of 鸡蛋糕 + 1/6 slice of BBQ pork + 2 seeds of durian + 2 cubes of chocolate

Lunch - 1 plate of vegetarian rice (packed 1/3 portion of rice home) + 2 cubes of chocolate + 1/6 slice of BBQ pork + 1/2 pork stick + 2 pcs of M&M chocolate

Dinner - 1 pcs of KFC chicken + some cheese fries + 1/2 cup of root beer (shiok)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

22nd March - School~

Lesson started again, zzz, but it was a very interesting lesson. I may always dread about having to do homework and such but in fact, I am enjoying all my lessons. I just dislike it when I am packed with group assignments and such. You see, human just love to complain, don't we? Knowledge is like gold to me...

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 1 mouthful of bread with kaya & butter + 1/6 slice of BBQ pork + 1 cube of chocolate

Lunch - 1 bowl of Kueh Tiao soup + 1/2 pcs of BBQ pork + 1 cube of chocolate

Teabreak - 1/2 pcs of 马蹄酥 + 1 pcs of 鸡蛋糕

Dinner part 1 - 2 pcs of 鸡蛋糕 + 1 small bowl of fried rice + 1 cube of chocolate

Dinner part 2 - 1 Herbalife shake + 3 mouthfuls of fish + 2 sticks of satay

Activity - 1 hour of aerobics

21th March - On leave today~

Sis L is on leave today, so are we, woohoo...

Breakfast - 1 pcs of kaya butter bread + 1 piece of peanut bread (Super thick spread)

Lunch - Buffet @ Sakura, very very very full, nowadays, I will feel a bit giddy if I had too much food, it could be because of the hiking of the sugar content in the blood. But very yummy, I was about 150% full, lolx, over liao, nevermind la, once in a while.

Dinner - Was feeling hungry at around 7-8 pm, had 1/2 portion of 6 inch Subway chicken breast sandwich + 15 popcorns (the one from Citylink, so yummy!!!) + 1/2 pcs of chocolate

Watched a show called "Morning Glory", it was a fabulous show on how a woman work hard towards her dreams, very motivating and inspiring, you should go watch it.

I believe there are times in lives where you will certainly feel down or dejected, however, if we fight hard enough, we will definitely get what we want. It's only a matter of whether you are willing to take out the first step or not. So, stop complaining and start moving~

A beautiful sunflower (I bought this at $4) to start and end the day with...

Friday, March 25, 2011

20th March - You can make a difference~

Well, not I thick skin, but I think I am kind of influencing my friends to play sports with me. Went roller blading with that group of 好好笑又不认真的朋友, they are just a very cool bunch of people la, spontaneous and funny. I'm thankful that all these great and nice people are appearing in my life at this critical moment.


Breakfast - 1 piece of bread with cheese

Lunch - 1 yong tau hu soup + 1 kinder blueno

While waiting - 1 can of 100 plus + 1 cup of coffee, YAWN, reading my photography book while waiting for my friends

Dinner - 1 bowl of Waraku noodle (Can't finished, wasted some food, guilty) + 1 mac ice cream cone, this is really bad, I claim that I cannot finish the noodle, yet, I still got space for the ice cream cone. SCREAM. I really don't like to waste food, I will not waste food next time, will bring a container or plastic bag with me. :(

Activity - 1 hour of swim + 2 hours of blading

I am just like the moon, round, beautiful and bright~ This is part of my self-confidence building exercise, please don't vomit

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

19th March - Singapore Weight Watchers Female Meetup Session

Attended the Singapore Weight Watchers Group Female Meetup session, it was a casual and great meetup (had butterflies in my stomach while sharing my story -_-). Women from all industries and background connecting and communicating with each other, motivating and encouraging each other. Most importantly, spreading their knowledge for weight loss issues and joy. Once again, I'm reminded of why I started this weight loss journey and am feeling peaceful once again that the goals and objectives are in line again. You can take a look at their activities here ->

And here's their official website done by Charlotte (A very nice and patient lady) ->

The food was very healthy and tasted quite good, but perhaps, a bit too healthy for me, I mean me, not you. lolx

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with cheese + forgotten

Lunch - Very healthy bread/pizza/salad/wrap/fish

Teabreak - Was hungry after 3 hours, lolx, had sushi + mac choco cone

Dinner - Shared the below food with my other 2 sisters, had my favourite bubble tree, it's heavenly as compared to KOI (shitty to me, not you)

Was shopping at Marina square, chance upon the balloon festival, so sweet, awww...

Once again, the priceless smile~

18th March - Lotsa food today

Seems like I ate quite an amount of food today, don't know what is wrong, anyway, 我开心就好

Breakfast part 1 - 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 1 cube of chocolate

Activity - 4km of run

Breakfast part 2 - 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 1/4 traditional 饼 + 3 pcs of CNY cookies + 1/2 pcs of pork floss stick

Lunch - Duck rice (packed 1/5 portion home) + 1/2 cup of frappe + 3 seeds of durian + 1 cube of chocolate + 1 peanut m&m + 2 gulp of 100 plus + 1/2 pcs of cheese

Teabreak - 1 pcs of 鸡蛋糕 home made (yummy) + 1 palm size portion of vegetable

Dinner - 1 Herbalife shake + 1/3 gu chai kueh + 1/2 turnip kueh + 1 cube of chocolate + 1 pcs of m&m peanut choco + 5 pcs of banana chip

Lotsa food~

Friday, March 18, 2011

17th March - Is thankful for the wonderful dinner

Thank you thank you thank you my dear friend for asking me out for a drink, I was kind of feeling quite low in the afternoon. Met a friend over lunch and heard something from him... I hope they don't break, and if they really do break, I hope it's not because of me, I'm full of guilt~ cham... I went for a choco cone to get rid of these negative thoughts, sometimes, I just think too much, I shall not meet them so often~ And it's going to be none of my business~ yeah~ I had a great night with my another group of friends, they were hilarious, I just laugh the whole night~ Feel really good~

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 1/4 pcs of traditional biang + 1/2 pcs of pork floss stick

Lunch - Shared these food with a friend

Dinner - 1 chocolate cone + 1 50cc of Erdinger + 1 pcs of chicken wing + 1 small slice of thin pizza + 5 pcs of wedges + 5 pcs of nachos cheese + 1 cube of chocolate + 1/2 pcs of bread with cheese

This looks kinda disgusting but it tastes really good~

All I ask for now is peace~

16 March - Spent 13 bucks to have peace

I was feeling super duper confused and down, hence, went to temple to pray, thank you Guan Yin for your direction, I will stop eating beef and try to eat vegetarian every chu 1 and 15

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 1/2 pcs of kit kat + 1 mouthful of cheesecake

Lunch - 1 plate of duck noodles + 1/2 pcs of cheesecake + 1/2 pcs of kit kat

Dinner - 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 3 mouthfuls of carrot cake + 1/8 cheese cake + 2 seeds of durian + 1 nougat

See, I bought this $13 bucks buddha song to fight away all my guilt and nervousness, it's not like I have killed someone... Lolx, a graphic designer listening to these songs, somebody would probably laugh off their head ~ BUT IT'S REALLY VERY USEFUL, I don't care don't care don't care how people view me, as long as I'm happy~ la la la

Activity - 1 hour of swim