Wednesday, March 16, 2011

14th March - CUI CUI CUI~

Super CUI, it's always like that, I wonder when will I learn my lesson~ Feel like I'm floating like a ghost, lolx.

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 1/2 cup of coffee + 1/2 pcs of pork floss stick

Lunch - 1 place of economic rice (packed 1/3 portion home) + 1 pcs of kit kat + 3 pcs of maltese chocolate

Dinner part 1 - 1 Herbalife shake + 1 pcs of maltese chocolate

Dinner part 2 - 4 pcs of sushi + 1 pcs of seaweed chicken + 4 pcs of shilin chicken + 1 pcs of nugget + 5 strips of fries + 300ml of green tea + shared 2 ice cream cones with 2 other sisters

Super tired, but still went to catch a movie, KI SIAO right~

Having a much more peaceful sleep~

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