Thursday, March 10, 2011

2nd March - Tragic but still beautiful

Gosh, tragic happened but still beautiful. Won't further define, but moral of the story is, if you see anything or anyone you really like, be honest and express yourself well. Else, you just gonna miss it. Somehow, I have a feeling that it's destined that I missed this in order for me to learn something.

Breakfast - 150ml of soya bean milk + 1/2 cup of milo + 1/2 portion of sausage mcmuffin with egg + 1/2 piece of harsh brown

Lunch - 1/3 portion of harsh brown + the remaining 1/2 portion of sausage mcmuffin with egg + 75ml of milk + 1 cube of chocolate + 2 pcs of chewing hum

Dinner - Ate out with friends at Holland village, had pizza, spaghetti, beer and such

Activity - 4km of run

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