Tuesday, March 15, 2011

7th March - BKK day 3, I am starting to miss my family members

I am starting to miss my sisters, parents and the dogs. Sigh, I don't think I am someone who can work oversea, I will feel so lonely. We overspent our budget today, 4 of us spent 80 bucks for brunch, we kept pumping $$$ into the float. The guys only brought $300 after heeding their friends advises, fainted. The shopping kings brought only $300 sing and end up borrowing and withdrawing $$$. First time on a shopping trip with guys and got a fright~

Breakfast - 1 and 1/2 slice of pizza + 1 small bowl of tomyam soup + 1/4 portion of green curry rice + 2 cups of coffee, had too much coffee, stood up and felt giddy

Dinner - A&W: 1 donut + 1/2 portion of burger + 1 pcs of chicken + 2 pcs of nuggets + 1 pcs of cheese stick + 1 pcs of chicken strip + some twister fres + 1 cup of beer

Back to the hotel : 1 pork floss cracker, 3 pcs of chocolate + 1 pcs of fruit

Went to watch the ladyboy show today and felt really bad. I did smile but not laugh, those ladies were really professional, they out in 150% in their performance, I almost teared I think. I mean who would want to joke about their sexuality issue everyday. I don't know, it could be that I'm thinking too much, but I seriously won't go for any ladyboy shows again.

Activity - 1 hour of swim by the small pool, I kept banging onto the walls

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