Wednesday, March 30, 2011

24th March - Rock climbling, you cannot give up!

Went rock climbing with Sis L and her friend today. Super duper shiok. Most importantly, I completed what I did not when I was in Secondary school. At that time, we were all given a chance to rock climb, but I just couldn't make my way up, was because that I was too heavy and due to time constraint, I got to make way for the other classmates. And today, I finally conquered the wall! :D Can you imagine my joy and satisfaction? I can't describe it with words. During the climb, there's this point where I really feel like giving up, but there's this inner voice telling me, YOU CANNOT, we should apply this to everything we do!

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 1 cube of chocolate + 1/2 pcs of longevity bun

Lunch - 1 bowl of Kueh Tiao soup + 1/3 slice of BBQ pork + 1/2 pork stick + 2 cubes of chocolate + 3 pcs of M&M chocolate

Dinner - 1 Herbalife shake + 1 cup of soya bean milk + 2/3 pork stick + 1 small chicken drum + 1 seed of durian + 1 cube of chocolae + 1/6 slice of BBQ pork + 3 pcs of CNY cookie

Honestly, I have not been losing weight, instead, I gained 1 or 2 kg, but I look slimmer, it could be the muscles/hormones... Still monitoring

Let's continue to strive on...

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