Wednesday, March 23, 2011

19th March - Singapore Weight Watchers Female Meetup Session

Attended the Singapore Weight Watchers Group Female Meetup session, it was a casual and great meetup (had butterflies in my stomach while sharing my story -_-). Women from all industries and background connecting and communicating with each other, motivating and encouraging each other. Most importantly, spreading their knowledge for weight loss issues and joy. Once again, I'm reminded of why I started this weight loss journey and am feeling peaceful once again that the goals and objectives are in line again. You can take a look at their activities here ->

And here's their official website done by Charlotte (A very nice and patient lady) ->

The food was very healthy and tasted quite good, but perhaps, a bit too healthy for me, I mean me, not you. lolx

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with cheese + forgotten

Lunch - Very healthy bread/pizza/salad/wrap/fish

Teabreak - Was hungry after 3 hours, lolx, had sushi + mac choco cone

Dinner - Shared the below food with my other 2 sisters, had my favourite bubble tree, it's heavenly as compared to KOI (shitty to me, not you)

Was shopping at Marina square, chance upon the balloon festival, so sweet, awww...

Once again, the priceless smile~

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