Wednesday, March 30, 2011

26th March - I have a strong mind

Not that I am boasting, but I do have a mindset that is much stronger than most people. I don't give up that easily as compared to some of my friends. And I am a very optimistic person. I may not be as happy as compared to the past but I am NOT sad
, I am going for counseling session (it's nothing too serious, just some anxiety disorder, self-esteem and think too much problem). One thing is, I know my body/emotion very well and I guess I really need some help this time round. We only got 1 tiny brain, therefore, it's really important for us to protect it else... U know la...

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 200 ml of soya bean milk

Lunch - 1/2 pcs of 马蹄酥 + 1/4 pcs of Pong Biang + 3/4 portion of Mcspicy burger + 1/2 portion of chocolate sundae + 1/4 cup of coke light + 1/6 cup of milo + 20 fries

Dinner - Was super duper hungry, had 1 plate of Nasi Lemak from Changi Village + 1 stick of satay + 1 big cup of lime juice

Went roller blading with friends, super shiok. Anyway, we were in a friend's car waiting for a carpark slot, then we saw this slot and were waiting to park in. Suddenly, this uncle with his family just park into the slot knowing that we were waiting. He did not even lift his head to look at us upon doing such immoral act. My friends got really agitated and started scolding here and there. Then, I am reminded of how I used to be 10 months ago, I get agitated easily and always want to argue/fight with people. Until one day, my aunt told me, why you want to get so agitated and make your blood pressure high and such, it's not beneficial to yourself. Just let these people be la, we can always wait...

One thing to note: If people want to make you angry, the more you shouldn't cause it will only make the person happier...

Also, try to mix with people who can infuse greater learning

Activity - 2 hours of gym + 2 hours of roller blading

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