Wednesday, March 16, 2011

15th March - Time to chiong the undone

Just too many things to be done, reply emails, calculating $$$, work and tonnes~ I went to the Guan Yin Ma to pray and ask about my love matters, and the reply was, "don't worry, there will be "GUI REN" to help out". I am feeling much more peaceful now, shall not bother anymore and just wait till June, we shall see.

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 1 pcs of seaweed chicken + 1 pcs of shilin chicken + 1/2 pcs of kit kat

Lunch - 1 bowl of kueh tiao soup + 1 and 1/2 pcs of kit kat + 2 pcs of maltese chocolate

Teabreak - 1/2 pcs of fish + 1 pcs of maltese chocolate + 1/4 pcs of traditional biang + 5 pcs of cashew nut

Dinner - 1 Herbalife shake + 1 pcs of cheese Toufu + 2 seeds of durian + 1/2 pcs of kit kat + 1/3 slice of Mango

I shall not think any further, what will come will come, I shall just wait and meanwhile... Work hard and earn more $$$ :D :D :D

Activity - 2 hours of gym~

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