Tuesday, March 15, 2011

5th March - Woohoo Bangkok Trip, Powerful Tarot Card Readings

The long awaited Bangkok trip is finally here. Actually, i did think of not going after booking the tickets because I'm afraid I will be so affected. However, I still went and fortunately I went, it was really a great trip where I discovered myself more and finally find peace to everything.

Breakfast - 1/2 portion of 6 inch sandwich + 1/3 can of coke zero

Lunch - 1/2 bowl of very nice chicken noodle + 1/2 portion of coconut drink + 1 mouthful of banana choco coated + 3 mouthfuls of coconut ice cream + 1 pcs of Japanese fish + 5 mouthfuls of carrot cake + 5 pcs of grilled chicken + 10 pcs of strawberry + 1 mouthful of ruby dessert, these sound like quite an amount of food, but portion were reduced greatly, ha ha ha

Dinner - 1/2 pcs of nun with mutton and chicken curry + 1/3 portion of Tendori chicken + 1 cup of beer + 1 pcs of hersey chocolate

Went for tarot card reading and it's damn accurate, oh dear, felt much more peaceful after the readings... Fortunately...

I sort of lost myself during my weight lost journey, I really don't understand why, it could be that I'm slimmer and I'm starting to compare myself with the other girls. In the past, I used to just ignore, that's why I was much happier. I am happy now but just not as happy as compared to the past. But I am striving very hard to find back the Happy Juan, and am feeling really good now!!! :D

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