Tuesday, March 1, 2011

25th Feb - Guitar concert and Movie

Went for Sis L's guitar concert, my first time not feeling sleepy while listening to the pieces. I guess, I just don't know how to appreciate the pieces, all of it sounded the same. However, if you were to ask me to go for a choir/band concert, I would be able to tell you what went wrong cause I was in these groups before. But I felt great after the concert, achieve some inner peace. After the concert, met up with friends for the movie, "The Rite", the beginning was kind of slow, but the ending was exciting. Nice show, great twist.

Breakfast - 1/2 portion of susage mcmuffin with egg + 1/3 portion of big breakfast + 1/4 portion of hotcake + 1/2 pcs of harshbrown + 1/2 cup of milo

Lunch - Home cooked food + 2 pcs of chocolate + 2 pcs of chewing gum + 1 pcs of hello panda biscuit + 1/8 portion of muffin

Dinner - 1 Herbalife shake + 2 pcs of sushi + 2 mouthful of noodle + 1/2 pcs of plain prata + 1/3 pcs of cheese prata

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