Tuesday, March 15, 2011

6th March - BKK day 2, went to the gym

Who says we can't exercise when we are away for a Holiday, there's a pool and a gym, you can always wake up earlier and go workout. Ok, I admit my friends think that I must be mad, go holiday also want to exercise. But, exercising is already part of my routine, just like you need to eat everyday, I don't see any problem with me waking up earlier to exercise while they are still sleeping. lolx. I have the habit of waking up earlier these days as I just don't feel like wasting time.

Breakfast - 1 bowl of beef noodle soup (I seriously should stop eating beef) + 1/4 pcs of char siew bao + 1 pcs of siew mai + 3 pcs of hershey chocolate

Lunch - 1 pcs of KFC chicken + 10 pcs of popcorn chicken + 5 strips of french fries + 1 tuna salad (super nice and not available in Singapore) + 1 chocolate ice cream cone + 1/4 cup of pepsi

Dinner - Zhi Char at BKK Chinatown with friends, super nice, drool whenever I think of it, I love the super rich garlic fried vegetable taste/smell + 1 pcs of durian + 3 pcs of hershey chocolate

Activity - 20mins of jog, the gym attendant wasn't at the gym, some of the machines were off, don't know how to operate them. One funny thing is, they don't have the on and off switch for the power supply, they just pluck in and out, I wonder if it's easier for us to get electrical shock this way, lolx. Sometimes, I just wonder if the whole hotel will blackout if I pull out the plug~

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