Wednesday, March 30, 2011

28th March - PMS

Super duper tired and depress today, for no reason. Then I realise is because my menses is here. The cycle is messing up, my menses was here on the 8th march, today is only 28th and it's here again. That's why I told you there's seriously something wrong with my body and I need to find out what is wrong. I was crying in the library for thinking too much again, I hope I did not scare the girl who was sitting in front of me. I seriously need to go for some counseling, I have checked out the rates, just need to book an appointment. In fact, I hate to admit that I have a problem, but you see, I do have a problem and I should not deny it. Most importantly, everyone around me feels I am quite strange these days... Well, let's see the counselor's assessment.

Breakfast - 2 pcs of bread with cheese + 1/2 cup of coffee + 1/4 chocolate cupcake (this is super nice) + 1/2 buttercake + 1/6 slice of BBQ pork + 1 egg

Lunch - 1 salmon bowl + 1 chocolate cone + 8 pcs of calamari ring + 1/3 cheesecake (U should really try Fish & Co cheesecake, it will wow you away) + 1/3 portion of fish + some salad

Dinner - 200 ml of soya bean milk + 1/8 slice of BBQ pork + 1 egg + 1 pcs of bread with kaya & butter + 1 cube of chocolate + 1/3 kit kat

As you can see, I am eating more, it could be due to the hormone changes causing the unhappiness, hence, I tend to eat sinful food to fight away the bad thoughts. I won't say it's not good but I seriously need to solve this problem and MOVE ON!!!

Activity - 1 hour of swim

Remember I told you exercising does help to produce happy hormones, I feel way better after my swim

It must be the hormones~


  1. don't cry meimei! waste of tears and v tiring on the eyes, though can also wash ur eyes..gambatte hor..

