Tuesday, March 29, 2011

21th March - On leave today~

Sis L is on leave today, so are we, woohoo...

Breakfast - 1 pcs of kaya butter bread + 1 piece of peanut bread (Super thick spread)

Lunch - Buffet @ Sakura, very very very full, nowadays, I will feel a bit giddy if I had too much food, it could be because of the hiking of the sugar content in the blood. But very yummy, I was about 150% full, lolx, over liao, nevermind la, once in a while.

Dinner - Was feeling hungry at around 7-8 pm, had 1/2 portion of 6 inch Subway chicken breast sandwich + 15 popcorns (the one from Citylink, so yummy!!!) + 1/2 pcs of chocolate

Watched a show called "Morning Glory", it was a fabulous show on how a woman work hard towards her dreams, very motivating and inspiring, you should go watch it.

I believe there are times in lives where you will certainly feel down or dejected, however, if we fight hard enough, we will definitely get what we want. It's only a matter of whether you are willing to take out the first step or not. So, stop complaining and start moving~

A beautiful sunflower (I bought this at $4) to start and end the day with...

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