Wednesday, March 30, 2011

29th March - Sakura buffet again, I swear to avoid it for at least 2 months

Had Sakura buffet again, very happy while eating but very unhappy after eating. Was so full for the whole day, wow lau, I hate that kind of very full feeling. I will avoid buffet for at least 2 months. You see, I know exactly when I feel full but sometimes, you just get greedy when you see all those sizzling and tempting food. zzz

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 1/2 pcs of bread with kaya & butter + 100ml of soya bean milk

Lunch - Sakura buffet, I was around 150% full, this is really bad

Dinner - Was hungry at around 8pm, 150ml of soya bean milk + 1/4 pcs of BBQ pork + 1/2 pork stick + 1/3 slice of chocolate cake + 1/4 chocolate cup cake + 1/8 pcs of cheese + 1/4 long kit kat + 3 small seeds of durian

I hate the "feeling very full" feeling :P

Activity - 4km of jog, I wanted to jog 6km instead, but menses is here and stomach not well

I guess my stomach couldn't take as much different kinds of food as before, meaning, cannot have too much of a wide variety, it somehow forgot to digest certain kind of food that I have not been taking. lolx. These days, I will feel giddy if I am too full. ?_? Will go google and find out why

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