Friday, March 18, 2011

17th March - Is thankful for the wonderful dinner

Thank you thank you thank you my dear friend for asking me out for a drink, I was kind of feeling quite low in the afternoon. Met a friend over lunch and heard something from him... I hope they don't break, and if they really do break, I hope it's not because of me, I'm full of guilt~ cham... I went for a choco cone to get rid of these negative thoughts, sometimes, I just think too much, I shall not meet them so often~ And it's going to be none of my business~ yeah~ I had a great night with my another group of friends, they were hilarious, I just laugh the whole night~ Feel really good~

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 1/4 pcs of traditional biang + 1/2 pcs of pork floss stick

Lunch - Shared these food with a friend

Dinner - 1 chocolate cone + 1 50cc of Erdinger + 1 pcs of chicken wing + 1 small slice of thin pizza + 5 pcs of wedges + 5 pcs of nachos cheese + 1 cube of chocolate + 1/2 pcs of bread with cheese

This looks kinda disgusting but it tastes really good~

All I ask for now is peace~

1 comment:

  1. Hello "How to Lose Weight Fast", thanks for the reminder, however, I only do this once in a while... he he he

    Ultimately, it's about balancing the calories intake and output, I did take note of the portion when having the meal, in fact, I was treating a friend, hence, it would be quite difficult for me to choose healthier food. You know la...

